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The Derita neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina, North Carolina, is a rather select location with an average real estate price that exceeds the rest. The median homes here cost $196, 293 which makes it more costly than 47% of all other areas across North Carolina and 35% nationwide.

The cost of renting in Derita is higher than most places around here. The average rental price currently stands at $1,928 - which makes it more expensive compared with other neighborhoods (87.1%) across North Carolina.

Derita is a great place to live if you’re looking for homes that have character and charm. You’ll find plenty of them here; in fact, there are five distinct districts with unique personalities waiting just around the corner.

Derita is a community where there are many different types of homes to fit any need. From single-family houses and apartment complexes/high-rise apartments, Derita’s housing options can be found at every price point.

In the Derita neighborhood, you’ll find a lot of homes that were built between 1970 and 1999. A smaller number were constructed from 2000-the present day; many people live in these established properties since they offer more value for money than newer buildings do nowadays.

This is a fantastic neighborhood for middle-income families. In fact, the Derita neighbors here have an average income that exceeds many other neighborhoods in America.

This suburban neighborhood in Charlotte, Derita, has a high proportion of workers in executive and management positions (43.5%). A significant number are employed as salespeople or service staff such as those working at fast-food restaurants with 24%. Other jobs include clerical work (16%) and manufacturing laborer (15%). It is less posh than the neighborhood of Newell, North Carolina.

The diverse population in this area speaks many languages. The most common one spoken here is English, with 74% of households using it as their preferred tongue when at home and around family members who don’t understand them or simply prefer not to listen; other important tongues can be found too, such as Spanish..

The ethnicity in the Derita neighborhood is diverse. There’s a number of people who identify themselves as Asian or Sub-Saharan African, with some Mexican and Irish ancestry too. Plus, about 22% were born elsewhere - proving that this place has roots for everyone to enjoy.

When it comes to getting around the neighborhood, most people in Derita are definitely driver savy. About 76% of residents rely on their own private vehicle for everyday commute purposes, and 15 percent carpool with coworkers or friends, while 6 percent walk out of the door every morning just like thousands of other Americans do.

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